Part Three
I am sitting outside here at StarBucks trying to get started on this third and final segment of Many Tears. The sky is overcast and it’s raining. Sorry Lord, it’s sort of a dismal day. Yes, I hear you God, it is a day that you have made; rejoice and be glad in it. I do rejoice Lord, but if I had my druthers. . .
As the Lord and I exchanged thoughts, He spoke to my hidden disappointment, “Not every day is filled with sunshine.” He continued to elaborate. I have filled my Word with sunshine, but I have also put in some rainy days as well. You have to take the bad with the good. I have held back nothing from my children, and neither did my servant Paul. It is all for your edification, encouragement, and instruction.
When the Lord said that He held back nothing, it all came into perspective, what He was trying to communicate to me on this rainy, dark, and cloudy day. It was as if He made it rain just for me to teach me something. So, for all you fellow sunshine lovers, I guess the rain is my fault.
Anyway, I am studying Acts 20:17-27 and verse 20 came to the forefront as I sit here reflecting on the text. Like Paul, when we share the Gospel, we should hold back nothing. However, as did Paul, we should share it over time [1] and not all at once by beating them up with the Amplified Bible. My next blog will be Rules of Engagement.
In verse 20, Paul held back nothing. It has been my experience that some will accept it. . .and some won’t. However, it is not up to me to argue God’s truth, but only to give it, straight from God’s Word, and leave the convicting to the Holy Spirit. We only need to remember three words in the process: Love, nurture, and encouragement.
Paul told the Ephesians everything on God’s mind and heart, whether they hated him for it or not. What he told them may sometimes have been a little rain in their life but it was still profitable for their instruction and straight from the throne room of God. It was not Paul’s responsibility, nor is it mine, to decide for the people and/or the possible convert.
I learned something else from Acts 20:20 and that is, Paul did not let anything or anyone silence him with respect to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified and neither should I. Paul held nothing back in this regard and he died for that mindset.
For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. [2]
Although Paul was addressing the pastors in Acts 20, just remember our position. We are also an ordained royal priesthood to the glory of God the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and by the power of the Holy Spirit. God has called all of us to go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel [3].
Paul’s life changed dramatically on the road to Damascus. His conversion was the ultimate “show me.” The Lord came in a great light and voice. After that experience, Paul lived an exemplary life. He went from the great persecutor of Christians to writing two-thirds of the New Testament and bringing thousands into the Kingdom of God.
Paul led by example and didn’t just teach the people but showed them how to live a righteous life. Paul went from house to house showing them by actions and by showing (teaching) them through Scripture and the meaning of same [4].
We might be the only Bible that someone might see, so before I try and teach others how to live, I’d better show them first. They will be able to see what a transformed life looks like. I need to show and do before I can teach others. Otherwise, I am a hypocrite in my faith. This is why Paul taught Acts 20:20b with the words “showed and taught” in the proper order. People might not always believe what you say, but they’ll always believe what you do.
Acts 20:21 presents the Gospel in a nutshell,
Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
So, hold back nothing and don’t let a little rain in your day ruin it. God works out all things together for those who love Him [5]. Let's get busy and take as many with us as we can into the Kingdom. Now we know how.
[1] Acts 20:18
[2] Ephesians 20:27
[3] Mark 16:15
[4] In Paul’s day, many houses were churches
[5] Romans 8:28