Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Fifteen-hundred attendees and I stood in front of our seats at the Vineyard Church’s Prophetic Conference in Albany, Oregon on Friday morning the eighth of January 2010. We’d just finished worshiping God and the prophet was summarizing yesterday’s message. Among many other things, the word of the Lord was this, that 2010 was a year of deliverance and vindication.

The prophet, Chuck Pierce, prophesied that many believers would get quick snapshots, lasting just a matter of seconds, of previous issues from the last season. Supernatural deliverance is coming. Jesus is going to take the grief, the addictions, the hang-ups, and deliver us from them.

We then entered into prayer.

As the prophet prayed, a vision came to me as I stood there with my eyes closed. I saw my mom and dad standing together and holding hands. They were smiling from ear to ear and looking down at me. This, in and of itself, is not unique until you learn that they are both with Jesus; mom in January 2004 and dad in September 2007.

In the last year to two years of their lives, they were both in wheel chairs, but there they were, standing before me with erect backs, holding hands, and looking down on me at the conference.

As I looked into their faces, their expressions said that they were still proud parents and that they didn’t have a care in the world. I couldn’t hold back the tears. They streamed down my face. No longer could I say that I was sorry; no longer could I say, I love you; no longer could I feel their embraces and hear their encouraging words.

My snapshot only lasted about five to 10 seconds and when it faded away, God immediately delivered me of all the guilt that I had concerning them, just as God had promised through His prophet.

I felt guilty about all the times that I could have visited my mom before her death but her passing came upon us quickly. I missed the next to her last birthday but at least called her. I read about it in a journal that I found amongst her effects. Tough to read.

In my entire life, I had never once yelled at my dad. I didn't dare for one, but I respected him enough not to. However, a few months before he passed, he said something that set me off and I could not hold it back. I unloaded on him. It just about killed him. I loved those two people with every fiber of my being. They were tremendous people and they were my parents but I felt terribly guilty about what I had done and didn't do.

I have not told another living soul this until now. My Guilt was so bad and overwhelming that I had suicide thoughts and dreams. However, the Lord allowed me a supernatural encounter with my deceased parents to show me that they were okay and that they couldn’t be happier. They smiled and watched me as I prayed and attended church and I know this pleased them. The big thing though, was that they were finally together.

The engraved plaque on my dad’s tomb reads, “Together” and the plaque on my mom’s tomb reads, “Forever.”

Because of a snapshot given to me from Jesus through His prophet, I am free from any guilt and I know for certainty that my mom and dad are happy, free of disease, and communing with God. As a parent myself, I feel that they never gave those things a second thought. Now they have their own mansion in heaven.

This is the year of vindication and deliverance and your snapshot is coming, that is, unless you've already had it as I have. May the Lord richly bless each and every one of you in this year and new season, 5770-2010.


Carmen Rosales said...


Unknown said...

grandpa I to miss grandma and grandpa allot, but the thoght that you considerd suicide scares me most. I dont know what I would do without you grandpa and I now im not the only one who feels that way. As for you seeing grandma and grandpa, im glad you did because it sounds like you needed to.

Terry Scerine said...

Oh, how I'd love to believe wholeheartedly that that type of vindication and deliverance is coming for me too! I'm so very happy for you! I'll believe for it for myself too.

Leslie Pinto said...

When I read the Post the Lord told me, this is going to be a Year of more Vindication and Deliverance and a Year of New Beginnings, this Year is also a Year Of Blessing , Restoration and Uplifting, Brother You are Called... to take the Writen Word to this Generation and Leave BACK A LEGACY.
Your Friend / Brother/Missionary in India,
Pastor lESLIE PINTO. http://worldourvision.com

Karen said...

What an awesome vision and what an incredible relief that must have been for you. Guilt can drive our lives in such a negative direction - what a blessing it is to be released. Thanks for your honesty and transparency and the tip to keep our eyes open to what God is trying to show us.