Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CHRISTIANITY: The biggest threat to world peace?

Part One of Three

The Bible records that when Christ hung on the Cross 2000 years ago people hurled insults up at Him and reviled Him. Out of His love for us He suffered a horrendous death while they abused Him:

“. . .He saved others; let Him save Himself, if He be Christ, the Chosen of God.”

“. . .If you be the King of the Jews, save yourself.”

“. . .He saved others; Himself He cannot save. Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the Cross that we may see and believe.”

Christ is about to come again and I believe that those same sentiments will ring out once again just before His appearance. Although the people will still reject Jesus and while the world falls apart, they will hurl most of the insults at us, His disciples. Are we better than our Master?

Where’s your Jesus at? Why doesn’t He come down and save you?”

Has Jesus given up on you? You told us that He’d never leave you or forsake you. HA!”

It’s just a little chip with info on it so you can buy things. My goodness.”

You surely can’t be against identifying illegals in the land with an embedded chip, can you?”

The world is changing exponentially: management by crisis, economic collapse, nationalization of services, while government corruption abounds. I think there is one thing on which we can all agree: we live in some perilous times. So what is happening? I can tell you in two words: Revelation 13. (We are just about to the end of The Book. Fasten your safety belts.)

Recently, the Pentagon dis-invited Franklin Graham from a speaking engagement on the National day of Prayer because of his comments. During a Newsmax interview, Rev. Graham criticized President Obama’s praise for Islam. The Reverend warned of a coming repression against Christians, not just a persecution but a true Christian repression. (Italics added)

He also said that the President had “slapped” all evangelical Christians in the face by banning him from the Pentagon prayer service. He said the White House had approved the action. Newsmax Interview

I personally applaud Reverend Graham for taking a stand against the co-mingling of other religions. Christianity is diametrically opposed to other religions. Having said that, we can surely see the direction in which the world is going. What we need now is the Issachar’s to lead us in the understanding of the times (1 Chronicles 12:32). So why is it headed that way?

Mortimer Alder once wrote that 1) world peace is impossible without world government. 2) World government is impossible without world community and 3) world community is impossible without unity of truth. Alder stated that unless there is a unity of truth in ALL areas of culture, there can be no world peace.

Therefore, Christianity which will not stop, will not compromise, and will not stop preaching a new heaven and a new Earth WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Remember that (to the world); Christianity stands in the way of the unity of the truth, which is necessary for world community, which is necessary for world government, which is necessary for world peace.

Are you starting to get the picture from where they are coming? The world thinks that Christianity is the biggest threat to peace. They are determined to build their New Age of Peace and Prosperity here on on Earth.

As Christians, we have had 2000 years to bring the world to Christ, and we have failed. I believe that we are now in the days of Job when God will allow the enemy to put forth his hand and all that we have is in Satan's power; only God will not allow Satan to put forth his hand against us. God will spare us and prepare us for the rapture. We are His. (That is, unless we take the mark.)

With this power, Satan is going to run amuck and many awful things are going to happen and in fact, have already started to happen. Then God’s elect will be deceived, hearts will fail, the abomination of desolation when the Antichrist will declare himself to be god, and the mark of the beast where no one can buy or sell, just to name a few. Revelation 19:19 even says that the kings of the Earth will war against Christ Himself.

From before the foundation of the world, God has had a plan: a Bride for Christ and children for the Father. It tickles me when the world thinks that it is in control. God is in complete control and things have to end the way they do because of that plan. According to Jewish marriage customs, Christ came the first time to purchase His Bride, and very soon, He will come again to abduct her in compliance with the same Jewish customs.

Christ gave His life for her and soon we will have to give our life for Him when they aim the chip at our hand.

NOTE: This week we looked at part of the Enemy's plan. Next week, we will look at the why.

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