What is man’s reality? Do we have to explain reality in terms of matter and energy, or is the universe all inside of our head? Does that then make reality and consciousness one in the same? If we take this as axiomatic, can we therefore say that reality is in the eye of the beholder because what is reality for one person may not be reality for another? However, let’s not get bogged down in axioms or heavy philosophy, but instead, let’s go to God’s Word.
Believe it or not, the Bible does speak to the issue of reality. Are you surprised? The Bible is not only a spiritual book, but a history book, a geography book, a teaching book, a relationship book, a science book, and much much more. Pick a topic and search God’s Word because there’s a 99.99% chance there will be an answer to your problem, if not as plain as the nose on your face, then by inference.
Now we all know that God does not reveal everything in His Word [1] but what God reveals though is ours. What He does not reveal belongs to Him, and if He does not reveal it, it is either because it is beyond our grasp, or it is something that He wants to reveal at a later date in its time. We’ll just let God be God and consider the main duty of man, which is to fear God, His revelation, and to keep His commandments [2].
So. . .what is man’s reality according to God and His Word? Right off of the bat, God sets the stage for the entire Bible and then justifies our reality and existence early on in the book of the Genesis.
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them [Genesis 1:27 KJV].
God first created man as a spirit in His image, placed him in the Garden, gave him dominion over everything, and then told him to replenish the Earth [3].
Since God is incorporeal [4] and created man in His own image, this makes man’s reality spirit as well. Therefore, we can say that God embedded in the spirit of man to have dominion over everything and to fill the Earth with spiritual children for God the Father. We, as believers, are God’s children [5]. God didn’t finish creating man until Genesis 2:6, 7, when He gave him a body, a soul, and the capacity to make decisions.
Earth and our physical existence is only a temporary home if you will [6], which is a parallel universe running right alongside of God in the spirit world, which is His Kingdom. This is how God can be omnipresent or everywhere at once [7]. His Spirit fills the Earth and mankind inhabits the Earth in their parallel existence just centimeters from Him. Both realities share the same space.
Part of our reality is also to become the spiritual Bride of Christ and is why He created us in the first place [8]. The Bride of Christ is the overarching storyline of the Scriptures.
To recap, God created man in His image, gave our spirit dominion, and commanded it to fill the Earth. As spirit beings, this is man's reality. When we die, our bodies will return to dust and Christ will come for our spirit [9] and if people will choose Jesus Christ’s salvation and when their time comes, they will go home to man’s Spirit reality and leave his temporary home, forever to be with the Lord [10].
However, if people do not choose Jesus Christ and His salvation and when their time comes, they will return to man’s alternate spiritual reality [11], and because the wages of sin is death [12], need I say where their spirit will reside. . .forever. So. . .choose ye this day whom ye will serve [13].
Why is the study of reality, parallel universe, and a temporary home so important? What is the takeaway? The reason is because we worry too much about our temporary home, our physical existence, and the things of the world [14]. Instead, think about going home to where we came from, our husband Jesus Christ and our hope of glory with Him. Think about the marriage supper of the Lamb [15] when we stand in the Huppah [16] and join to Christ in holy matrimony.
Therefore, go ye into all the world and replenish the Earth with like-minded Spirits, preaching the Gospel to every living creature [17]. This is the first and last commandment given to man in the Bible because Christ is not willing that any should perish [18].
[1] Deuteronomy 29:29
[2] Ecclesiastes 12:12-14
[3] The word replenish does not mean that this is man’s second go around at propagation. The word replenish herein means to fill the Earth.
[4] John 4:24
[5] John 1:12, 11:52; Romans 8:16, 21; Ephesians 5:1; Philippians 2:15; Galatians 3:26; and many more
[6] 2 Corinthians 4:18, 5:1-8
[7] Psalms 139:7-12
[8] Ephesians 1:9-11
[9] Ecclesiastes 12:7
[10] 1 Thessalonians 4:17
[11] John 8:24 God first made man in His image. Image is a copy or duplicate. When we accept Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit inhabits us, which is the real thing and not a duplicate. This is why when people do not accept the Lord, they die in their sins and revert to the duplicate and corrupted spiritual reality.
[12] Romans 6:23 and spiritual death, which is separation from God
[13] Joshua 24:15
[14] Colossians 3:1, 2
[15] Revelation 19:6-10
[16] Huppah is a Jewish marriage ceremonial tent or covering
[17] Mark 16:15
[18] 2 Peter 3:9
1 comment:
Brother James you are Doing a Great Job, keep the Posts Coming we are Praying.
Pastor Leslie Pinto, INDIA.
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