Thursday, September 2, 2010



Recently, I graduated from a journeyman’s level writing class at CWG (Christian Writers Guild) out of Colorado. They taught me more than this old brain could remember all at once. Although I did well, I will still be visiting my manuals frequently for the next several months [1].

In retrospect, I consistently had trouble in a couple areas. It wasn’t intentional but I just couldn’t seem to break out of the habit. The manual called it “superior writing,” and that does not mean that I write better than anybody else. Not even close. I would eventually learn that I had a little more than a writing problem.

During the year that I attended my journeyman’s classes, I had my mentor critique an article of mine. I'll paraphrase our comments from memory. When I received the article back, one of the things she wrote to me was: “You do not have any references from other sources. You used many Scriptural references, and that’s a good thing, but you have no other references.”

I replied to her, “Why would I use man’s references to give credibility to God’s Word? He is the ultimate, definitive, and final word to all things.” I was unprepared for the answer. She wrote, “You are absolutely correct, God is the final word on everything but when you don’t use other references, it makes you sound like you and God are the only ones with the answer.” Ouch! She was right.

The first sign of a religious spirit is: a philosophy that will not listen to man, but will “only listen to God.” [2]

After reading her reply and once I got off of the floor from cringing, I started seeking a solution to my problem. I had a religious spirit. I still struggle somewhat trying to correct it but I am getting better and incorporating other references from man.

Since God usually speaks through man, this philosophy is an obvious delusion, and reveals spiritual pride. This creates an elitism if you will, and makes us live separately from the body [3]. Boy did I blow it. My heart was in the right place, however. The enemy is real subtle and is very sneaky.

Also, God does nothing lest he first reveals it to His prophets [4]. This Scripture also talks about those who fear Him and serve Him, as well as the prophets [5]. I do not hold the office of the prophet but we all prophesy in part [6]. So the body that jointly fits together can receive from the head, which is Jesus Christ.

By using other references in my writing, my readers see that I am not shoving God’s Word down their throat or using God’s Word to justify my own interpretations, biases, or ideas. I am using the body to be jointly fit together with Christ as the head. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus.

We are all subject to religious spirits to some degree. Those who are completely free of religious spirits should have already been like Enoch - translated.

Religious spirits are the most destructive spirits in Satan’s arsenal. There are about 20-25 signs of having a religious spirit. Other stages and traits also exist, among which are pride, fear, and legalism, but I surmise that the aforementioned will keep us busy for quite some time. However, you may even know of more.

We all have probably battled most of them at one time or the other. The idea is to be cognizant of the problem and adjust ourselves accordingly.

I am taking one more sign from the list and sharing it with you next week. I had another problem in my writing. I am also enclosing a link to my Website for a free download for the others. This same link will contain a religious spirit test.

I wish you well in your battle, but know that I will be battling right alongside of you in the spirit. (In the spirit that God created, not the one the enemy created.)

God bless you all and I’ll see you next week when we discuss the second sign of a religious spirit.

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Signs of a Religious Spirit A link to my Website for this and many other freebies.

[1] If you are a writer and are serious about the same, I highly recommend CWG to you. They have a tremendous teaching and critiquing staff. I received the best critique I have ever had through their critiquing service. Bar none.
[2] The list of “Signs of a religious spirit” came from Rick Joyner and also Morningstar Teaching notes.
[3] Ephesians 4:1-16
[4] Amos 3:7
[5] John Gills exposition of the entire Bible
[6] 1 Corinthians 13:9



Anonymous said...

James, as you've noted, the challenge to good writing is the writer's ability to get out of the way and let God's Spirit move the reader to a conclusion.

Often we seek to justify our position through a flurry of text citations only to reinforce our own position with little impact on our reader's.
With too much regularity we write with an "I'm right" undercurrent that often pulls a good piece below the surface of understanding.

Karen O'Connor said...

Jim, I enjoyed your comments about 'superior writing.' I remember when we discussed that struggle during the course. But think how far you've come and all the good you're now doing with your writing. Congratulations. I look forward to reading more of your blogs.

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Какой дезодорант-антиперспирант оправдал ваши ожидания этим жарким летом? [/url]
Делаю вывод, что у некоторых гардероб стоит огромные деньги, при всем при этом они жалуются на давку в метро, нечистые улицы, коие омрачают их суперобувь и т.п. У меня возникает вопрос: зачем при таком благосостоянии переться в метро в час пик? На работу ездить? Не вижу смысла, все мои удачные знакомые давно не сидят в офисах, работают удаленно. И вообще зачем жить в Москве? Не лучше ли за городом, на свежем воздхе, куда как полезней? Или это пишут те, что живут на окраине в съемной однушке, на всем экономят, но в бренде?

Anonymous said...

Как говорилось на У меня вот такая проблема-стесняюсь звонить сама подругам, мне все время может показаться на первый взгляд,что они наверно заняты,им не до меня и.т.п. А люди ко мне тянутся, звонят первое время сами, мы дружим, а потом начинаются обиды что мол я сама не звоню и отношения рушаться. Бред, а переделать себя сложно, может это комплекс какой то?

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