Saturday, June 9, 2012
Part Two: How to Tell a True Prophet
Last week I mentioned the two most important qualifications of a prophet and those were discernment and a vast knowledge of God’s Word. I have found this to be true in every prophet that I know.
The prophet is a spokesperson for God and not necessarily, but could be, for the prediction of future events. The past is done and gone and we live in the now, but tomorrow is in God’s hands. When the prophet is either teaching or prophesying, as long as the message gels with God’s Word, things are OK, for the most part.
There is no revelation given beyond the Bible. It is God’s history book, and what He spoke, WILL come to pass, exactly as He spoke it. God’s Word is our only way of comparing the accuracy of the true prophet of God. Because of free will, what we believe, whether right or wrong, will dictate to us how accurate the prophet is. We and the prophet could be absolutely wrong.
However, there is one prerequisite for us in comparing who is the real prophet. . .or not, and that is, we need to have discernment as well. We also have to have a very good knowledge of God’s Word so that when a prophet(?) speaks, we will know if it is from God. . .or not.
Remember when the serpent spoke to Eve in the Garden, “. . .Hath God said?” Adam had only one commandment to remember, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:” Granted, we have a lot more to remember, but our survival and victory depend on that knowledge [Matthew 4:4; Matthew 8:8; Matthew 8:16, just to name a few].
Some prophets can sound mighty spiritual, so unless we can counter with what God really said [Romans 3:4; 1 Peter 3:15], we are doomed to the words of the false prophet [Matthew 7:15; 24:11; 24:24; Mark 13:22; Luke 6:26; 1 John 4:1].
A true prophet speaks for God and to know God’s Word is the surest way to know who to believe. However, just when we think that we or the prophet are right, God may prove us both wrong. God is a jealous God [Exodus 34:14] and He wants us to know and follow THE ONE TRUE Prophet, Jesus Christ. How do we know Christ? READ HIS WORD. This is who Christ is [John 1:1]. It is also who we are for God’s Word is a reflection of who we are as well, because He lives within us [1 Corinthians 3:16]. Mankind has lost sight of this.
One final warning: The Lord says not to touch my anointed [1 Chronicles 16:22; Proverbs 105:15]. Where most of us go wrong is that God chooses who He anoints. . .NOT US! So be careful who we denounce. However, we are to test the spirits [1 John 4:1]. Testing and denouncing or castigating are two different things. So, just beware. God may be speaking to you to see your reaction. Remember that it is God who judges and chastises. . .not us.
Earlier I made a rather controversial statement on which I’d like to elaborate: there is no revelation given beyond the Bible. It is why I said for the most part. Each of you reading this will have varied opinions. However, I am going to present this as to how I believe. You are free to comment your opinion. In fact, I’d be interested in your opinions and comments.
Daniel 12:9 tells us, “And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” The Lord is talking with Daniel about the end of days and the tribulation. That time, (I believe), is fast approaching. What words or prophecies do Daniels sealed book contain that will spring upon the world when the prophets open his book? Is this sealed book a metaphorical book and only means that when man figures out what is to be in the end times, or is it a literal sealed book that man has yet to find. I believe it is the former.
Nonetheless, my point is, when a prophet gives a word that may or may not sound a little off, be careful that it is not the unsealing of Daniels Book. God has a word for the people of the end of days, and are we willing to touch God’s anointed because it does not match with our theology or what we perceive God’s Word to say and mean? Be careful brothers and sisters. Be careful.
No one can have a discussion on prophecy without mentioning Israel. If we want good indicators of biblical events, put down the newspaper, read the Bible, and look to Israel. Next week, we’ll go over Israel and Bible prophecy. Again, this will not be a comprehensive study, but we can see what is happening today with Israel and maybe some things to come.
I would be interested in your comments and thoughts on my beliefs.
God bless each and every one of you.
P.S. – Do any of you have any subjects that you’d like covered in my blog or have a Bible question that you need answered? If I do not know the answer I have a wealth of friends, both in the fivefold ministry, and very knowledgeable lay people who will know the answer.
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Jim,Your writings are a blessing and I thank God for all the things you write about..This world is in terrible shape and to be a true believer, we would have to know that the end times are close...We can choose to close our eyes and not want to see what's happening or we can get on fire for The Lord .....The world is so blinded by what they think is a great way to live but one day we all shall kneel before God and give an account for how we have lived..
This is good, Jim. You made some very important points:
"...there is no new revelation given beyond the Bible."
"...God chooses who He anoints...NOT US!"
It is good to see these points presented because there are many self-appointed and self-exalted (false) prophets these days who speak things that cannot be substantiated in God's Word, who try to convince the unsuspecting that they've been given a new or "special" revelation. And often, those will also exalt other entities higher than Christ.
And here's the most important point you made: Those who don't know God's Word are easy prey for a false prophet.
Hi Jim,
Good info and it is right on. I do have a question.
Is there anyone in today's world that you feel is anointed by God to be a present day prophet other than those who are self-appointed?
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