Monday, March 10, 2014


On July 28, 2006, Senator Barack Hussein Obama said in his “Call to renewal” keynote address in Washington DC that America was no longer a Christian nation. For those who watched even a smidgeon of news during this time, heard of this statement and yet, we still elected him in 2008.

Now I understand that the 2008 elections was more of a referendum against President Bush than it was a vote for Obama, but his statement went to the core of who we are as a nation. However, in all fairness to reporting practices, here is a direct quote of that section of his speech. This way, you can draw your own conclusions as to the context of his address.

. . .Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers. . .” – Barack Obama

On the surface, this subliminal message would appear that he meant nothing more by it than to suggest that America is a melting pot of diversity. Although we are a melting pot, after closer inspection of the statement, a more sinister plot and meaning emerges.

The inference here is the death of a thousand cuts [1], of which this statement is only one cut. It is prudent therefore that we understand the goal and agenda of this present government, which is the New World Order. The Bible says that we will know them by their fruits [2].

After all the scandals, Executive Orders, and war against the American people, the question still lingers in the air, “Is America a Christian nation?” Many authors have written books about America’s foundation of Christianity. However, and contrary to the belief of many, the Bible was the foundation of the Declaration of Independence and eventually that of America’s Constitution.

If there were no other proof of this fact, the SCOTUS resolved the question for us. Here is what they said, “No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people. . .this is a Christian nation.” SCOTUS also held that “Whatever strikes at the root of Christianity tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government.” You could not hold any office in a state or federal government unless you proclaimed your belief in Jesus Christ and the Scriptures.

Considering the fact that the pilgrims came over on the Mayflower to escape the religious persecution of Great Britain, how could the foundation of America be anything else but on God’s Word. The core of the Constitution is the Bible and Christianity. This is irrefutable and searchable.

Article I of the Constitution pertains to the Legislative branch (Congress). Article II pertains to the Executive branch and Article III pertains to the Judicial branch. By looking at your copy of the Constitution, you’ll notice which one is the smallest. This was by design. Judges were to litigate and settle, NOT to set law like they do today. On the heading of each case is the lead, “It is the opinion of the court.” The other two branches have the legal right to refuse the opinion, as Abraham Lincoln did with slavery.

Have you ever wondered why there are three branches of government and how they came about? For our answer, we’ll need to go to the Bible located in the book of Isaiah chapter 33 and verse 22, which says,

For Jehovah is our judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver, Jehovah is our king; he will save us.

The Isaiah Scripture is the origin of the three branches of government. America was on her way.

Here are just a few more Scriptural references of the Constitution.

Separation of powers [Jeremiah 17:9]
Tax exemption for churches [Ezra 7:24]

Article I Section viii: Uniform immigration laws [Leviticus 19:34].
Article II Section i: President to be a natural born citizen [Deuteronomy 17:15].
Article III Section iii: Witnesses and capital punishment [Deuteronomy 17:6].
Article III Section iii: Provision against attainder [Ezekiel 18:20]. (The unconstitutional NDAA comes to mind.)
Article IV Section iv: Republicanism. Elections at local, county, state, and federal levels [Exodus 18:21]. This Article and Section requires that each state maintain a republican form of government. Noah Webster once wrote, “Our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament, or the Christian religion.” Founding father, Benjamin Rush also wrote, “A simple democracy is the Devil’s own government.” Founding father, Fisher Ames said, “A Democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation their way.” We can conclude that the difference between a Democracy and a Republic is the source of their authority. This is why the Founders decided on a Constitutional Republic.

The Declaration of Independence was the promise and the reasons for separating from Great Britain, and the Constitution was the fulfillment to the promise and the solution to the reasons. Is there any doubt whatsoever, that America is a Christian nation?

I exhort you to study and search out the Scriptures that have afforded you the privilege of freedom. Apathy is the enemy of freedom. We have all taken this country and our freedoms for granted with the assumption and perception that they cannot take them away from us. If we think that they cannot take them, I exhort you to read the Book of Revelation.

The government and the electorate have totally screwed up this country. We have lost our focus. As a whole, we have turned away from God. Our voting habits have migrated from searching out values in our candidates to searching out our candidates economically and what we can get out of the government. Alexis De Tocquiville quoted that “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” On the other side, Benjamin Franklin said that, “When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic.

Learning our American heritage is the civic responsibility of every citizen. We have strayed quite a ways from the original intent of our founding documents and our belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” – Benjamin Franklin

The choice is ours.

[1] Fabian Socialism – Socialism by overwhelming the masses
[2] Matthew 7:16, 20


Leslie Pinto said...

Very Good keep it Going.

Karen O'Connor said...

A powerful post that inspires me (and I hope other readers) to meditate on God's Word and to give thanks for the freedom we have in Christ--the only freedom that counts. Thank you, Jim.