Part Two: Abomination of Desolation through the Mark of the Beast
We continue on with number five of nine in Things to Come.
5. Abomination of Desolation [Daniel 9:27]: I believe that after they rebuild the Temple, Israel will again begin the oblations. This will upset the animal activists to the point that the Antichrist takes the scene. He will eventually stand on the Temple mount and declare that the oblations are to cease and desist. He will claim at that time that he is in control and in authority. I do not believe that he will claim to be God, but by his action, it will be an indirect admission of the same.
The reason for this is because in Deuteronomy 12:11 God says that He is placing His name in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount for a dwelling place for the Jewish people. When the Antichrist declares his authority, he is usurping the authority of God and as he does so, all who see this will then know the identity of the Antichrist. This declaration begins the Tribulation.
When the war is over the world says that the only way to stop the fighting over Israel and the Temple mount is to put it under international control. This is already in the works in Washington DC. The Antichrist then comes into power. He is someone with all the answers.
6. The Tribulation [Revelation 13]: Revelation 10:5, 6 is the beginning of the Tribulation. The One World Government tries to invade Israel and this triggers the Tribulation. The Abomination of Desolation begins the 3 ½ year Tribulation, a time in history that has never been or will ever be again. Make no mistake, the Bible declares that the Tribulation will last for 3 ½ years and be the ugliest time of history ever recorded or that will ever be recorded.
Whenever the Bible speaks of the Tribulation, it is in terms of 3 ½ years. Research it yourself. Here are some Scriptures to help you out in your study. Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Revelation 11:2; 12:6, 14; 13:5. When the Bible says, “Time, times, and the dividing of time (or half a time), it is talking about a 3 ½ year period of time. 1260 days and 42 months are self-explanatory but the time, times, and half a time (dividing of time) needs clarification. Time is equal to one year, times is equal to two years, and half a time is equal to ½ of a year. . .thus, a 3 ½ year period of time.
Daniel says in Daniel 9:27 says that the Tribulation starts half way between the last seven years of human government. Even Christ says that the Tribulation starts when we see the Abomination of Desolation [10]. I think we can take His word for it even if we don’t study any other part of His Word. He is good for His word.
7. Mark of the beast [Revelation 13:16, 17]: Once the Antichrist comes into power, he institutes a mark to be placed on the forehead or right hand that no one may buy or sell or participate in the world economy without the mark. Plans for the mark already exist in the world today by way of a RFID chip, which the President of the United States Government embedded in the ACA [11], better known as Obamacare.
Have you thought about the idea that why would it be that Obama and his minions is the regime that instigates the Mark of the beast? Why is Obama the keeper of the mark? (Hm-m-m-m. . .food for thought.) Do not take my word for any of this, because the ACA IS searchable. Do your own research and you will learn more.
Next week we will cover the judgment of God through the return of Christ.
[10] Matthew 24:15-21
[11] Affordable Care Act
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