Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Lily of the Valley

The Song of Songs 2:1 says something that I have read a hundred times but did not grab the meaning of, until the Lord showed me. Men, we need to pay close attention here. Listen as the bride speaks, “I am the rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys." Can you feel the confidence in her attitude about herself? Can you discern the condition of her self-esteem and her self-worth at that moment? She had total faith and trust in Solomon and his love for her.

Her attitude about herself was due entirely to Solomon and his love for her. She was very secure in his love. Solomon put her so high on a pedestal that she could not help but feel like a rose. Look at how many times throughout the Song of Songs that Solomon reaffirms his beloved of her beauty and his love for her.

Solomon caught that significance when he, in chapter four verse four, said, "Thy neck is like the tower of David. . .” and again in chapter seven verse four, “Thy neck is as a tower of ivory.” In other words, it was an erect, proud, and confident stance as she thought in terms of her relationship with Solomon.

I am wondering how many of our wives have the same, secure, confident feeling of who they are in our love. How is their self-worth because of our love toward them? There is an old saying that says, “If you are called a dirt clod all the days of your life and you look into a mirror, all you will see is a big brown spot.”

Men, is your love a demonstrative love or is it an "I love you" spoken token, said in passing? When your wife stands in front of her mirror, what does she see, a brown spot, or a rose?

As the bride of Christ, I wonder how many Christians today do not have those same feelings of security and confidence of who they are in Jesus Christ because of His love toward us. How many of us have learned to discern the Lord's body, because we are the fullness of Christ in us?

Is there a sense of knowing in our know'er that Jesus Christ gave His life for His bride? Do we feel like a lily among the thorns? Can we stand tall and erect like the Tower of David and with confidence say, "I am the Rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys, a lily among the thorns."

This is my translation: "I am a Christian, a true believer in my Lord, Savior, master, and husband, Jesus Christ. I know the depth of my Lord's love for me. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of my God, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord and soon coming husband. I am more than a conqueror(s) through Him that loves me. I feel secure and confident in that love, and I am as the lily among thorns. No weapons formed against me shall prosper and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it, because I have the revelation of who I am. . .‘in Christ.’ I am an important person to Him. I am the 'Rose of Sharon' His bride."

Christ has done it all for us on the Cross. All we need to do is receive it and not doubt. Therein lays the problem: it is not Christ’s fault. He is a perfect husband. We are not a perfect bride. . .yet. Too many of us are living in doubt and defeat. So like I said, "Just receive who we are. . .'in Christ.'"

Jesus Christ is coming back for a whole bride to present Himself to her. He is coming back for a Bride not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish, with no brown spots in the mirror.

The body not only needs to be in a passionate loving relationship with Christ but she needs to be in unity and harmony with one another, especially in marital relationships. Our horizontal relationships release insights into our vertical relationships with Christ. We need to know the significance that Jesus has for His Bride. We are the Rose of Sharon, a lily of the valley.


NOTE: I was traveling this last week and was unable to get to a computer to upload this Monday’s blog. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Next week: It takes more than Love. I tell the story of a twenty-dollar bill as told to me by a pastor many years ago. At the time, I was still married and she and I were trying to work through some problems. If we don’t keep God in the picture, things can still go awry.

God bless you all and we’ll see you next Monday.

Thanks for stopping by,

Your Host: James Warren
Christian Author

Check March archive or my Web page for explanation of my names.


HAIN Holiday_Angel said...

I finally got to read your blog and am impressed as usual.
I went to church last Sunday and we spoke about Salvation, this reminded me about it for a few reasons.
1) Most people do not see themselves as the Bride of Christ but mistresses because they confuse salvation (marriage) with principles (results of actions).
2) Most people are told in essense not to trust God because He is a judging non forgetting God. Then they tell them He is a loving God when it comes to other discussions. This is very confusing.
I spent my first 30 years of my life in that limbo until I found out the truth and the difference.
Principles have earthly results and salvation is eternal. If you believe and have faith in Him salvation is your inheiritance or wedding ring from your groom (Christ) and is eternal. This when fully acknowledged would give you the confidence to realise you are royalty because of this relationship and no one can strip it from you. You would be His fragrance and his Rose of Sharon or Lily and could not dispute it.
If you believe principle is what gets you there or sends you to Hell then you would always have a brown spot because faith would be striped away. You loose faith and confidence in Christ but you would not lose salvation just because you thought this only if you rejected salvation.
The smell of such fragrance is overwhelming and we cannot contain it all.
Thank you for reminding me of the Royalty and being the flower in bloom..
God bless you..Kudo's

Anonymous said...


I am always intrigued by your thoughts and applications. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on "Your belly is a heap of wheat, encircled with lilies (7:2b)." :)

Terry Scerine said...

Jim, this is an excellent post, and so timely! I love it.

More and more, it seems we are both on the same track with different perspectives. After reading this, I realized that I hadn't posted my article "In the Mirror: Your Self-Image" on my blogspot site yet. So I just did. I think the two go hand in hand, complimenting each other.

Wonderful word, Jim! Love it! So true!